About Professor Dr. Obayedullah-Ferdousi Foundation Cancer Hospital & Research Institute
The Professor Dr. Obayedullah-Ferdousi Foundation Cancer Hospital & Research Institute established in 1993 as an initiative of the Professor Dr. Obayedullah-Ferdousi Foundation and now registered as a non-profit association in Bangladesh , is a multi-stakeholder platform for all those interested in collaborating on common projects relating to cancer around the world. We are made up of people and organisations who are committed to develop, promote and support tangible improvements that will ultimately create awareness and actions that will improve and extend the lives of patients living with cancer worldwide.
The Professor Dr. Obayedullah-Ferdousi Foundation was launched after completion of post graduation course in cancer DMRT i.e. Diploma in Medical Radiotherapy in 1993 by the founder of this foundation Professor Dr. Mollah Obayedullah Baki. Initially the name of the cancer hospital was "Fatema Rahman Cancer Hospital & Welfare Home in 1993 after the name of the parents of the founder which is renamed as Professor Dr. Obayedullah-Ferdousi Foundation Cancer and Research Institute in 2012 for the outstanding name and fame of Professor Dr. Mollah Obayedullah Baki in Oncology, when he was the Director of National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital from 2009 to 2014.
Our Vision and Mission
Our goal is to improve and extend the lives of women and men living with cancer in all countries worldwide and to fight for a cure. We will also raise awareness of people worldwide for the improvement of the lives of cancer patients.
An introduction to the ABC Global Alliance provided by Fatima Cardoso
Hear more about the importance of the ABC Global Alliance below

( Unique centre for cancer detection, treatment and research;education, social welfare activities & etc.)
Mollah Bari, Paikkandi, Gopalgonj
Cell No. +088-01711310534, +088- 01710941199; www.poffoundation.org
E-mail: info@poffoundation.org; obayedullahbaki@gmail.com
Article-1: Name of the Organization: “Professor Dr. Obayedullah-Ferdousi Foundation”
Article-2: Address of the Organization:
Vill.+P.O: Paikkandi, P.S. Sadar Upazilla, District: Gopalganj.
Article-3: Working Area of the Organization:
Whole area of Gopalganj District. Later, the activities will be expanded to throughout Bangladesh according to the approval of the registration authority.
Article- 4: Type of Organization:
This Organization is a fully non-political, non-profitable, voluntary, public and social welfare based organization. It will be established in the form of social welfare and humanitarian organization by combination of one or more or varieties of activities.
Article-5: Detail aims and objectives of the Organization:
(a) Health and Family Planning Programme: (According to the approval of the respective Authority)
01. To adopt Comprehensive Health and Family Planning Programmes for the diagnosis of the patients specially cancer patients, their treatment and rehabilitation.
02. Establishment of Medical College, MATS, IHT and Nursing Institute for improving the quality of existing inadequate and insufficient medical services and overall health care system of the country.
03. Attempts to improve the quality of various pathological investigations to provide better and accurate services in the country.
04. To make educated and skilled Doctors, Nurses, Health Technologists, and Medical Assistants.
05. To set up institutional structures, hospitals and clinics and pharmaceuticals industries to provide low-cost / free health care services.
06. To arrange free Friday Clinics, Free General medical Camps and Eye Camps for rendering medical services free of cost or low cost in the project area.
07. Development of health awareness programmes for anti-smoking campaign, cancer, cardiovascular disease, AIDs and other diseases to improve public awareness ,use sanitary latrine and to aware public with othe issues.
08. To provide support to the existing institutional programmes as health issues such as Extended Immunization Programmes, Birth Control Programmes etc. and make coordination of own activities with these programmes.
09. Special training will be arranged for Health Assistants. To be trained up the educated unemployed youths and young ladies for pushing injection, bandaging like primary health care training.
10. By giving professional training to the working village doctors for improving the quality of their medical services.
11. To reduce the incidence of Diarrhea, Pneumonia and Malnutrition among children by educating mothers through Health Education Programmes.
12. To arrange the training for rural midwife for reducing the maternal death and child death.
13. To motivate the people to drink pure and safe water free of arsenic and other chemicals and take necessary action to prevent it. To mark arsenic contaminated tube well by identifying the danger levels of arsenic for human body in the water.
(b) Expansion of education, skill development and employment: (According to the approval of the respective Authority)
01. With a view to educating 100% peoples of the working area, reform the existing government and non-government school-colleges, Madrashas and should take steps to establish technical and vocational educational institutions on the demand of home and abroad.
02. To arrange different groups by students who are waiting for their results after SSC and HSC examinations for eliminating illiteracy of villages through educational progrmmes.
03. To take steps to encourage parents to send their school-going boys and girls to schools.
04. Provide support to existing governmental institutional structures to cooperate and coordinate their works for the development of education.
05. In order to encourage girls and boys of schools and colleges, arrange scholarships to the students through competitive examinations.
06. To set up a library to increase the habit of reading books of the local people.
07. To be trained up on computer education, sewing education, house wiring, repairing of radio,televisions refrigerators, bee cultivation for the development of the skillness of educated, half educated, unemployed youth males and females being fit for employment.
08. To establish educational centres and rehabilitation programmes for elimination of illiteracy for children, adults and the disabled peoples having mass education.
09. To arrange technical training locally for the unemployed youths for self employment..
10. To increase the public awareness for the prevention of dreadful diseases cancer, HIV,AIDS and etc.
(c) Social Service and Social Development: (According to the approval of the respective Authority)
01. Help to the people of the working area during various natural disasters such as flood, epidemic, misery etc.
02. To create public opinion against the torture of women and dowry.?
03. By contracting with the local authority, arrange plantation of trees on the both sides of the roads according to the government rules and regulations.
04. To prevent the underage marriage and be pregnant by mass propaganda.
05. To awaken the brotherhood, harmonious atmosphere, sympathy, humanity among human beings. Strengthening the social relation.
06. To conduct welfare and rehabilitation activities among the poor and helpless freedom fighters/brave female warriors of liberation war. To realise the ideology of Freedom Fighting.
07. To render the humanitarian, rehabilitation and medical services among the natural disaster affected peoples enhancing the developmental works of the government.
08. Make people aware of early marriage, multi marriage and prevention of torturing of women and eradication dowry practices. Provide legal assistance to the victims, abused, divorced and distressed women and make arrange their socio-economic development and rehabilitation.
09. To set up Rehabilitation Centres and Child Caring Centers for the old age, physically disabled and
mentally disabled.
10. To create awareness among peoples about the treatment of drug addicted persons, hazards of addiction and misuse of drugs and rehabilitate them.
11. To make the helpless and rootless peoples being capable of earning by giving Zakat.
12. Implementation of the welfare programmes for the over all development of the society.
(d) The welfare and rehabilitation programme for the disabled and the distressed: (According to the approval of the respective Authority)
01. To undertake various programmes for the development of disabled, orphan, women and children. To take steps to rehabilitate the deprived poor children of the country and improve their education, health, social and environmental standards. Arrangement of houses and treatment for the old, physically challenged and disabled peoples. Rehabilitate the physically and mentally challenged disabled and oppressed people.
02. Provide scholarships and education materials including financial support among orphans and poor meritorious students.
03. To increase the earning capacity of the poor/distressed and widowed women by supplying them
sewing machines, ducks,hens, goats etc.
04. To assist the father of the needy daughters, arrange the formalities after death of the deceased.
05. To distribute winter clothes among helpless distressed peoples and assist the poor peoples by giving
them food materials or money to observe the Edul Fitre and Eidul Azha.
(e) Program for development of agriculture, fisheries and livestock: (According to the approval of the respective Authority)
01. Encourage and motivate the peoples in the field of agriculture, to increase yields in by adopting modern techniques by making the farmers an eligible one through education and if necessary, arrange to supply agriculture goods, seeds, fertilizers, medicines etc. among them by reduced price and easy access. By establishing small quantities, supporting and marketing the produce by the farmers and making exhibition farms. To cooperate the farmers by setting up small and big cold storages for preserving and marketing their and agricultural products and to make exhibition firm. To establish mushroom cultivation, bee keeping, silk beetles keeping, poultry, fisheries, goats and cattle farms and to arrange training for unemployed youth male-female and related farmers.
02. To cooperate the farmers to produce and to arrange marketing of the food and agriculture goods.
03. To make every effort and cooperation for improving environment and maintaining natural balance, plantation, protect useful pests, conservation of wildlife and prevention of environmental pollution.
04. To Ensure the introduction of Biogas technology and uses of improved ovens by ensuring the introduction of modern fuel system.
(f) Establishing harmonious relations with social welfare organizations: (According to the approval of the respective Authority)
Performing the activities jointly with other organizations to facilitate the activities of own organization. Establishing relationships with developmental works of government and non-government organizations and make communication with other organizations at national and international levels. Arrange the research, meeting, training and workshops, development seminars and symposium programmes.
Article- 6: Membership:
(a) Eligibilities of Membership:
Above 18 years old adult any female and male citizen of Bangladesh who is loyal and abide by the constitution of the Organization will be eligible for the general membership of this Organization.
(b) Rules of Admission of a Member:
6.b.1. The respective application form of the Organization will be submitted to the Chairman/Secretary General after full filling properly and depositing 100/- (One Hundred) Taka as admission fees.
6.b.2. The application form for the membership will be accepted/cancel by the decision of the Executive Committee Meeting.
Article- 7: Type of Membership:
This organization will have the following 4 types of membership:
1) Founder Member (2) General Member (3) Patron cum Life Member (4) Life Member .
1. Founder Member
Founder Members will be considered those who played a vital role for establishing the Organization. Like general members, they will pay monthly/annual subscriptions. They have the power to compete in the franchise and election.
2. General Member:
All Founder Members, Life Members and all members according to Article-6 will be considered as General Members. General Members have the right to compete in the franchise and will play a role in any matter of the organization. They are able to participate and compete in the election.
3. Patron cum Life Member:
Those who will play a role financially or by advice for running the activities of the
Organization, will be accepted as Patron-cum Life Member by the approval of the
Executive Committee. But he will not have the power to franchise and compete in
the election.
4. Life Member:
The person who is loyal to the ideology, aims and constitution and donate 50,000
(Fifty Thousand) Taka or equivalent wealth, will be accepted as Life Member after
approval of Executive Committee.
Once the person is confident in the constitution of the organization, he will be given a donate 50,000 (Fifty Thousand) Taka or equivalent wealth, he can be accepted as a member of the Life Time Member of this organization by the approval of the Executive Council. He will get the right to cast vote and compete in the election. He will not have to pay monthly subscription.
Article- 8: Rules of Membership Cancellation:
Membership of a member may be canceled for the following reasons:
a) If fail to pay monthly subscription for continuous 6(Six) months
b) If continuously absent in three meetings
c) If voluntarily resigns.
d) If convicted by the court.
Article- 6: Membership:
(a) Eligibilities of Membership:
Above 18 years old adult any female and male citizen of Bangladesh who is loyal and abide by the constitution of the Organization will be eligible for the general membership of this Organization.
(b) Rules of Admission of a Member:
6.b.1. The respective application form of the Organization will be submitted to the Chairman/Secretary General after full filling properly and depositing 100/- (One Hundred) Taka as admission fees.
6.b.2. The application form for the membership will be accepted/cancel by the decision of the Executive Committee Meeting.
Article- 7: Type of Membership:
This organization will have the following 4 types of membership:
1) Founder Member (2) General Member (3) Patron cum Life Member (4) Life Member .
1. Founder Member
Founder Members will be considered those who played a vital role for establishing the Organization. Like general members, they will pay monthly/annual subscriptions. They have the power to compete in the franchise and election.
2. General Member:
All Founder Members, Life Members and all members according to Article-6 will be considered as General Members. General Members have the right to compete in the franchise and will play a role in any matter of the organization. They are able to participate and compete in the election.
3. Patron cum Life Member:
Those who will play a role financially or by advice for running the activities of the
Organization, will be accepted as Patron-cum Life Member by the approval of the
Executive Committee. But he will not have the power to franchise and compete in
the election.
4. Life Member:
The person who is loyal to the ideology, aims and constitution and donate 50,000
(Fifty Thousand) Taka or equivalent wealth, will be accepted as Life Member after
approval of Executive Committee.
Once the person is confident in the constitution of the organization, he will be given a donate 50,000 (Fifty Thousand) Taka or equivalent wealth, he can be accepted as a member of the Life Time Member of this organization by the approval of the Executive Council. He will get the right to cast vote and compete in the election. He will not have to pay monthly subscription.
Article- 8: Rules of Membership Cancellation:
Membership may be canceled for the following reasons of a member:
a) If unless the 06 (Six) month monthly subscription is not paid.
b) If continuously absent in three meeting.
c) If voluntarily resigns.
d) If convicted by the court.
e) If be mad or bankrupt.
f) If engaged with any activity is contrary to the constitution.
g) If participate in any anti-social activity.
h) If receive salary, allowances, honorarium or any type of financial benefit from the Organization.
i) If participate in any anti-state activity.
j) If die.
Article- 9: Membership reinstatement process:
After cessation of the membership, the appropriate reply will be submitted to the Chairman/Secretary General in written form. The Chairman/Secretary General will submit that reply to the Executive Committee meeting. Membership will be reinstated after the approval of 2/3rd (Two-third) presented members of the meeting and after the payment of the dues of subscription.
Article- 10: Organizational Structure:
Organizational Framework for the management of the Organization will be
divided into three, as:
1. General Council
2. Executive Committee
3. Advisory Committee
1. General Council:
This council will be formed Unitedly with the Ordinary Members, Founder Members and Life Members of the Organization. There will be no upper limit for this Council Member Number.
2. Executive Committee:
7 (Seven) members Executive Committee will be formed for 2(two) years with
the united verdict of presented members of General Council through election or
biennial general meeting/election meeting as stated below.
1. Chairman- 1 person
2. Vice-Chairman- 1 person
3. Secretary General 1 person
4. Treasurer- 1 person
5. Organizing Secretary- 1 person
6. Executive Members- 2 persons
Total- 7 persons
3. Advisory Committee:
The Executive Committee will form an Advisory Committee for the duration of 02 (Two) years to assist them with advice. This committee will be formed in joint collaboration of prominent social workers, extraordinarily familiar person and well wishers of the Organization. The members of this Committee will 05 (Five) persons and they have no right to vote.
Article- 11: Power and Responsibilities of General Council:
a) Control all the activities of this Organization.
b) Approve the Annual Budget of the Organization.
c) Approve the Audit Report of the Organization.
d) Serve as the guardian of the Organization's Constitution.
e) If there is an urgency for amendment of the constitution then that amendment will be made by prior approval of 2/3rd of the members.
f) If there is an urgency for termination of the Organization then that will ce realized by prior approval of of 3/5th members of the Organization.
g) Necessary decisions will be taken by the General Council during acute critical situations which will be considered as final.
h) They will approve the Organization's financial policy and job-related policies.
i) They may call the organization's Talobi/adjorn meeting with due prior consent of 2/3 (two-thirds) members and may produce dismissal proposal against the Executive Committee. ,
j) They will form the Executive Committee of the Organization and will give
Article- 12: Power and Responsibilities of Executive Committee:
a) Will conduct daily activities according to the Organization's Constitution.
b) Will earn and spend according to the approved budget of General Council.
c) To make approval of the daily expenditures.
d) To prepare budget and produce in the General Meeting for approval.
e) Approved Final Annual Accounts will be audited by Social Welfare Office/ Audit Firm.
f) To conduct the bank account of the Orgnization.
g) To conduct all activities according to the aims and objectives.
h) To make appointment necessary manpower and settle the salaries and allowances of the officers and employees for implementation of the activities of the Organization.
i) To determine the duties of the officers and employees of the Organization and control them.
j) To make job rules and regulations for appointing manpower of the Organization which need to be approved by the General Council.
k) To form the Sub-Committees for performing the special activities T
l) To determine the day, date, place and agenda of the meeting.
m) To prepare all account book, expenditure voucher book, and cask book.
n) All administrative activities, management activities and project taken of the Organization will be implemented and evaluated.
p) To arrange the cancellation of membership of any member according to the Clause-8. .
Article- 13: Administrative responsibilities and duties of Executive Committee:
a) The Chairman of the Organization will perform his duties as Constitutional Chief.
b) The Chairman will preside over the meeting of the General Council and Executive Committee.
c) He will solve the problem by rendering his casting vote in case if there is equal number of votes in the decision making in any meeting.
d) The Chairman will give approval of the Incomes and expenditures of the Organization.
a) He will cooperate all kind of activities of the Chairman.
b) In absence of Chairman, he will preside over the meeting and will perform the responsibilities and duties of the Chairman.
Secretary General:
a) He will perform his duties as Chief Executive but without pay.
b) He will serve the notice of the meeting as per advice given by the Chairman mentioning the date of meeting, time, venue and agenda.
c) He will serve the letters in favour of the Organization.
d) He will maintain the relationship with the Government, Semi-Government and Donor Agencies on behalf of Organization.
e) He will take care of all properties of the Organization and if needed will consult with the concerned persons.
f) He will maintain the incomes and expenditures of the Organization through Treasurer.
g) He will present the annual report of the activities and audited accounts of the Organization in the General Annual Meeting.
h) He will submit the prepared Annul Budget in the General Meeting for approval.
i) He will take care the activities of different committees formed by Executive Committee.
j) He will ensure the collection of subscription, donation and grant.
k) He will operate all the activities of the Organization.
a) He will take all sorts of all financial responsibilities of the Organization.
b) He will maintain the income and expenditure account in the Cash Book.
c) He will preserve all sorts of financial account of the Organization as expenditures, bill vouchers and subscriptions.
d) He will take all the preparations for monthly and yearly incomes and expenditures of the Organization to furnish the audit report.
e) He will take the steps to deposit the money to the bank and withdrawal the money from the bank.
f) He will be liable to perform his duties as per direction of the Chairman and Secretary General.
Organizing Secretary:
a) He will maintain continuous liaison, discussion and consultation with the members of the General Council and Executive Committee for the overall development of the Organization.
b) He will be liable to perform any duty authorise by the Executive Committee.
c) He will take necesary steps to make the Organization popular and acceptable and work to maintain the harmony among the members.
Executive Members:
a) Executive Members will present in the meeting and express their opinion for making the decision.
b) They will perform their duties accordingly as directed by the Executive Committee.
Article- 14: Branches of the Organization:
With prior approval of the Registration Authority, branch offices of the Organization can be opened out side of Gopalgonj District.
a) The Formation and Organogram of the Branch Committee:
This Organization can open it’s Branch Offices in the different Districts /Upazillas / Thanas /Wards / Unions /Villages. In every District, there will a 05 (Five) members in District Branch Committee. The Members of the District Branch Committee will be: President- 1 person, Vice-President- 1 person, General Secretary- 1 person, Treasurer- 1 person and member- 1 person, Total- 5 (Five) persons.
b) Duties, Responsibilities and advantages of the Branch Committees:
The Branch Committee will implement the task authorized by the Executive Committee. The Branch Committee will be accountable for their all activities to the Executive Committee. The Branch Committee cannot operate any task without the prior permission of the Central Committee. The Brach Committee will enjoy the facilitites given by the Central Committee.
c) Postponement of the Activities of Branches:
Activities of any Branch Committee can be postponed at any time by the decision of the Executive Committee without showing any explanation. There will be no responsibilities of the Branch Committee about this matter. If the Executive Committee postpones the activities of a Branch, then the Registration Authority has to be notified in written by the Executive Committee within 30 (Thirty) days by mentioning the reason for the postponement.
d) Control of Branch Committee by the Executive Committee:
The Branch Committee will be liable to complete the activities with the budget allocated by the Executive Council to implement the activities. The President and General Secretary of the Branch Committee will be the member of the General Council in lieu of their post position.
Article- 15: Election System:
1) The Executive Committee can be formed by the General Council directly through hidden voting or by holding a biennial General Meeting or Election Meeting unanimously.
2) A 3 (Three) members election commission will be formed in the General Council's meeting 45 (Forty Five) days before the termination of the tenure of the Executive Committee . Out of them, one will be the Chief Election Commissioner and the other two will be Assistant Election Commissioners.
3) A person who is not participating in the Executive Committee Election or well reputed person who is not member of the Organization will be a member of the Election Commission.
4) The Election Commission will declare the Election Schedule 30 days before the election and will take the necessary preparation for the election.
5) If the election is not possible for any reason or is delayed, the previous Executive Committee will be able to carry on the duties for the period of maximum 90 (Ninety) days. It is mandatory to arrange the election within 90 (Ninety) days.
6) If two or more candidates get equal number of votes in the election, the result will be finalized through the lottery.
7) The present Executive Committee will hand over the power to the newly elected Executive Committee within 15 (Fifteen) days of the election.
8) For approval of newly elected Executive Committee, it needs to apply to the Registration Authority within 30 (Thirty) days and collect acceptance approval letter.
Article- 16: Meetings:
a) Meeting of General Council:
General Meeting will be held once in a year. Notice of such meeting will be given at least 15 (Fifteen ) days before and quorum will be fulfilled in the presence of 2/3rd of the total members of the Council.
b) Meeting of Executive Committee:
At least 4 (Four) Executive Committee meetings need to be arranged in a year. Notice of such meeting mentioning date, time, venue and agenda shall be given at least 7 (Seven) days before the meeting. Quorum will be fulfilled by the presence of 2/3rd (Two-third) of the total members of the Committee.
c) Emergency Meeting:
1) General Meeting can be called in 3 (Three) days notice. Quorum will be fulfilled by the presence of 2/3 (two-thirds) of the total members.
2) Executive Committee Meeting can be called in 24 (Twenty Four) hours notice. Quorum will be made in the presence of 2/3 (two-thirds) of the total members.
d). Extraordinary General Meeting:
In any unavoidable circumstances, an Extraordinary General Meeting can be called on the 07 (Seven) days notice. So, except the prefixed special agenda, no discussion and decision on other agenda will not be taken. The notice of the meeting will be served with prior recording of the objectives of the special agenda as usual.
e) Requisition Meeting:
1) If the Chairman and General Secretary do not convene meeting as per constitution, at least 2/3 (two-thirds) members of the total members of the Organization can submit an application with jointly undersigned to the Chairman and Secretary General with endorsing the agenda and objective of the special General Meeting to the Chairman and Secretary General of the Organization for convening meeting. If the application is not effective, necessary action can be taken against the Chairman and Secretary General including Anasata ?
2) If the Chairman and Secretary general do not convene the Requisition meeting with 21 (Twenty one) days of the receipt of the application, the Requisition members will be eligible to convene the meeting in the next month with 15 (Fifteen) days notice. But the Requisition meeting will be held at the Organization’s Office. Quorum will be fulfilled in the presence of 2/3 (two-thirds) of the total members.
f) Adjourned Meeting:
1) General Meeting can be arranged 30 (Thirty) minutes late from the scheduled time, otherwise the meeting will be postponed.
2) If the general meeting is postponed due to not fulfill the quorum the notice of next meeting will be issued within 30 (Thirty) days and if there is no quorum for the postponed General Meeting, meeting will be held with the number of members present and their opinions and decisions will take as final.
3) If the Executive Committee meeting will be postponed twice due to the absence of quorum, the third meeting will be conducted and decisions will be taken by the present members.
Article- 17: Fill in the Vacancy Post:
Vacant post of the Executive Committee must be filled up with the prior decision of 2/3 (two-thirds) members of the General Council in a General Council Meeting and it will be effective after approval of the Registration Authority.
Article- 18: Financial Management:
a) Subscriptions and donations of members, donations of Benevolent persons, government/non-government, domestic/foreign donor agencies, donations of the person or bank loans and other sources of income will be considered as the income of the Organization.
b) For financial transactions of the Organization, a savings / current account will be opened in any bank in the name of the Organization.
c) This savings / current account will be conducted by the joint signature of the Chairman, Secretary General and Treasurer of the Organization. In such case, money can be withdrawn from the bank by the joint signatures of any two of them.
d) Collected money in the name of the Organization can not be held in hands in any way. As soon as the money is received, the cash money should be deposited in the concerned bank.
e) The Secretary General can expend the necessary amount of money to manage the daily affairs of the Organization maintaining proper voucher. can spend the necessary money through proper voucher. However, the amount of the cost of this expenditures will not cross over 10,000/- (Ten Thousand) Taka.
f) After the spending of the money, the expendable money will have to be approved by the Executive Committee Meeting and all the expenditures will be approved in the Annual General Meeting along with the submission of budget and approval.
Article- 19: Audit:
All accounts of the Organization will be audited by any audit organization (Audit Firm) which is approved by the government or enlisted in the NGO Bureau or related Social Service Officer. . This type of audit will be held on an annual basis. After the audit the audited reports will be sent to the Registration Authority.
Article- 20: About Foreign Aid or Donation:
The Organization will follow the rules of Foreign Donation Ordinance of 1978 during accepting the Foreign Aids/Donations.The Organization will conduct an account at any government schedule bank during receiving Foreign Aids/Donations. There is a separate project implementation committee for the project management.
Article- 21: Fund Increase:
Any fund raising project/program/event can be organized by the prior permission of the Registration Authority and full accounts collected from the incomes and expenditures of the project/program/event will be submitted to the Registration Authority.
Article- 22: Appointment of the Office-bearers of the Organization:
For the purpose of managing the organization's responsibilities properly, the Office-bearers will be appointed by the approval of Executive Committee. The salaries, allowances and service and dismissal of the recruited office-bearers will be taken according to the decision of the Executive Committee. on the terms of service and the dismissal from the job. Before the appointment of the office-bearers , approval from the Registration Authority will be taken and no bank draft or securities are accepted.
Article- 23: Amendment of Constitution:
For making an amendment on any point of the constitution, After obtaining the approval of 2/3 (two-thirds) members of the total members of the organization on the revised Article are prerequisite before submitting to the Registration Authority for final approval. If approved by the Registration Authority, the amendment will be considered as effective.
Article- 24: Priority of Laws and Articles:
Whatever the mention in this Constitution, the Organization will run under the Provisions of the Ordinance No. 46 of 1961, according to the existing law. Other activities will be effective with the approval of the concerned Ministry/Division/Authority.
Article- 25: Extinction/Termination of the Organization:
If, for a specific reason, three-fifths of the total members of the organization want to extinct the organization, then the Registration Authority will take necessary action after receiving the application. If there is any debt to the Organization in the end, the Executive Council members who perform the last duties will be personally liable.
Ferdousi Begum Shikha
Professor Dr. Obayedullah-Ferdousi Foundation
Mollah Bari, Paikkandi, Gopalganj.
Abu Obayedullah M. Sharifullah
General Secretary
Professor Dr. Obayedullah-Ferdousi Foundation
Mollah Bari, Paikkandi, Gopalganj.
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Ministry of Social Welfare
Department of Social Service, Dhaka.
Office of the District Social Service, .............
Serial No.: 0123529 Registration No. Gopa/766/12
Registration Certificate
The Professor dr. obayedullah ferdousi founation, Village/Area: Paikkandi, Post Office: Paikkandi, Police Station: Sadar Gopalganj, District: Gopalganj, Bangladesh has been registered of own signature of following signatory by Government Seal, on the fulfillment of above mentioned rules & regulations on Fifteen February Two Thousand Twelve under Section 4 (3) of Voluntary Social Welfare Organizations of (Registration & Control) Ordinance (No. 46) of 1961. The Registered Organization could be operate his activities in the District of whole Gopalganj/whole Bangladesh & has been issued this certificate as proved.
Registration No. of Registered Organization: Gopa- 766/12
Date: 15/02/2012 A.D.
(Round Seal of the Office)
Sd./-Illegible, 15/02/12
Registration Authority
Department of Social Service, Dhaka
Office of the District Social Service, .....